Monday, December 21, 2009

Don't Call It A Comeback

Another semester through, and here I am writing in this damned thing again. Why, you might ask? Because I plan on bringing Struck Lightning back next semester.

"But Josh, how many half-assed projects are you going to start up and drop off like two-year olds at the babysitter?" That's an excellent question. One with a decently complicated answer.

I attempted NaNoWriMo, the 50K word writing competition, again this year, but did far worse than last year. 7,000 words. Pathetic. But I actually showed those 7,000 words (or at least a large part of them) to friends, and I feel like that's an accomplishment on its own. Regardless of the fact that my final word count was miserable at best, there's something about taking the effort to show my work that made me take myself more seriously as a writer...and I think other people were able to take my writing more seriously as well.

Time's gone on since November, and now I've come to a bit of a turning point in my life. I've got 3 classes, an internship working for a literary journal, and my creative undergraduate thesis. A lot to handle, but the further I get into the things I care about, the more satisfied I am with life. Still, I tend to get excited about things and then burn out. That's gotta stop. I know how to start projects, but now I've gotta learn how to stick with them.

Struck Lightning's starting up as a sign to you all that I'm ready to commit, to you and to my craft. It may just run as a written blog for a bit, but the audio will come back soon. And I'm going to make it the best I can. Hope you're up for the trip.


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