Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Almost Time!

So, this blog's been a little...defunct lately. But it's time to get it moving! This'll be a place where I'll talk inbetween episodes. I know you can't get enough of me!

Wednesday's rolled around, and it looks like it's time to prep for another episode. This podcasting thing is complicated...there's blogging, social networking...overall trying to find ways to not sounds like a telemarketer when you try to get people to listen to the thing. It's not like it costs money or anything, but you still feel a little cheap...

Anyway, so the last radio merited a question I'll answer on-air tonight: what other podcasts do I listen to? Well, let me set you up with a few solid ones, just in case you need something to fill the gaping void in your life between episodes of ST:

This American Life: I'm a gigantic NPR fan, and this is one of the best shows they have on the station. It's a weekly compilation of stories from people all around the country based upon a centralized theme. If it's still up, one of my favorite episodes is called "Break-Up". It's kinda gut-wrenching, but it's fantastic, nevertheless. "Got You Pegged" is also a great ep; a really funny story about misjudging people.

Fresh Air: Another NPR show, this one's general news. If you don't listen to public radio, you should...I'm telling you, just listening to it in the car will change your life. Two days and I felt 34% more intelligent. That's over a third more intelligence! ::cheesy cereal-box grin::

@chad_says: A friend of mine who does video blogging on things that cross his mind, as well as posting about writing he's done. Some great stuff in there!

The New Yorker's Fiction Podcast: Well, I gotta keep up on the trends somehow. The New Yorker's fiction editor takes on authors and has them do readings of short stories. I'm a fan.

Anyway, use those to increase the gray matter! See you tonight!


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