Monday, September 14, 2009

Kanye's Ridiculousness

Ok, so I just posted a new podcast and found out minutes later about yet another piece of media ridiculousness that has fallen from the miraculously miserable mouth of Kanye West. (In case you don't know the story, check it out: Kanye decides to voice his opinion on Taylor Swift's reception of the award for Best Female Music Video) You know, it seems like every time a piece of his ignorance finally trickles its way out of the limelight, he goes and takes another verbal s*** on his audience and fans. And I'm not sure what bothers me more: the fact that people put up with his BS because he's a celebrity, or that there are people out there that support his BS claims.

We see it in the news every day now: Hollywood singer/actor is given an exceptionally minimal sentence for committing a horrendous crime. T.I. gets 1 year for carrying automatic weapons in his car. Chris Brown gets 5 years of probation for beating Rihanna to a pulp. Michael Vick gets his job back, but has to work for the ASPCA for running an illegal dog fighting ring and torturing/savagely killing animals. Now I'm a black man just like all of the aforementioned, but let me get caught hitting a woman or carrying AKs in the back of my car, and you know when you'll next hear from me? I don't know either, but it sure as hell wouldn't be any time soon.

Now I understand that there's a big difference between corruption in the legal system and a dumbass-of-a-rapper getting on stage at a live award show and randomly wrecking stuff. But Kanye's little outbursts aren't anything new; he busted out with all sorts of anger when he found out his performance at the VMAs back in '07 was to be in a hotel suite instead of on the mainstage. There's a mindset in our society that allows these events, so whose fault is it that these outbursts keep happening? Kanye's, or his "adoring fans"?

Don't take this the wrong way, reader; Kanye West is a grown man and should be able to assume responsibility for his decisions and words. But why have we put up with it for so long? Why do we continually buy in to the idiocy that spews from this man's mouth? Sure, he's had some great tracks and good lines, but when it comes to the man behind the artist, the kid's a jackass. And it's sad that we, as a society, not only condone, but promote his outlandish acts by sitting back and enjoying the show.

My thanks goes out to the crowd members who applauded Taylor Swift and booed Kanye after his stunt, as well as those out there in the media who are making their voices heard against Kanye's ignorance. The talented should at least have the decency to respect the others in their field who are also talented and working hard.



  1. heres a statement from a journalist:

    "If Kanye wants people to win the awards he thinks they deserve, he should create his own event. He should name it after his website,, and webcast it."

    its an award ceremony. where there are winners, there will always be losers.

    deal with it, kanye.

  2. Definitely a valid point. Still, I'd hope he doesn't have his own award'd just be another excuse for him to inflate his already oversized ego.
